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Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk PT, BUKK:JKT profile - FT
6 天之前 PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk is engaged in the fabrication and supply of specialized equipment and other businesses in the construction industry. The Company
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PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk is registered and monitored by Indonesia Financial Services Authority
2022.5.12 tahun 2021, PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk fokus untuk mempertahankan bisnis yang ada, selain itu juga tetap berupaya menjajaki peluang project baru yang
Voir plusPT. Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk [BUKK] IDNFinancials
PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk (BUKK) atau Bukaka, didirikan pada tanggal 25 Oktober 1978 sebagai bengkel kendaraan bermotor kecil. Memiliki lima anak perusahaan yaitu PT
Voir plusPT. Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk [BUKK] IDNFinancials
PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk [BUKK] Sector: Infrastructure, Industry: Heavy Constructions and Civil Engineering. Market Activity. BUKK IDR 990 +5 (+0,51%) Last Update: 22 July
Voir plusGara-Gara Ini, Laba Emiten Jusuf Kalla Bukaka (BUKK) Naik ...
2024.3.27 Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Emiten milik Jusuf Kalla, PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk (BUKK) mencatat laba bersih sebesar Rp 690,83 miliar sepanjang tahun
Voir plusStone Crushing Plant - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk
Bukaka Teknik Utama has set up the unit of Crushing plant with standard capacity. In addition, PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama also produces Crushing Plant for other types of rock,
Voir plusbukaka teknik utama tbk concassage de pierres
broyage de pierres bukaka teknik utama tbk broyeur de pierres karya . Broyeurs de pierres - Bugnot. Broyeurs de pierres de type BPM BPM 1600 - BPM 1880 - BPM 2160 - BPM
Voir plusBukaka (BUKK) Raih Kontrak Jembatan Callender Hamilton ...
2021.12.6 Bisnis, JAKARTA – PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk. (BUKK) meraih kontrak kerja sama untuk proyek penggantian atau duplikasi jembatan Callender
Voir plusOrganization Structure - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK
Oil Gas Equipment. Road Construction Equipment. Offshore Maintenance And Services. Special Purpose Vehicle. Galvanizing. Subsidiaries. Bukaka Mandiri Sejahtera. Bukaka Energi. Bukaka Forging Industries.
Voir plusCorporate Data - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk
Youtube : Bukaka Official Twitter : @BukakaOfficial Linkedin : PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk Head Office Site Plant Pusat: Jl. Raya Narogong Bekasi Km. 19.5 Cileungsi, Bogor Jawa Barat T: +6221 823 2323 F: +6221 823 1150 E-mail: corsec @bukaka Website: bukaka: Other Site Plants: Site Balikapapan :
Voir plusBukaka Teknik Utama - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ...
2024.7.4 PT Bukaka Minyu Industry. PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Balikpapan. Situs web. www .bukaka . PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk adalah sebuah perusahaan manufaktur yang berkantor pusat di Cileungsi, Bogor. Untuk mendukung kegiatan bisnisnya, perusahaan ini juga memiliki kantor perwakilan di Jakarta.
Voir plusbukaka teknik utama tbk concassage de pierres
2023.2.24 bukaka teknik utama tbk concassage de pierres Broyeurs de pierres de type BPM BPM 1600 - BPM 1880 - BPM 2160 - BPM 2450 - BPM 2720 - BPM 3000 Largeur de travail de 1,60 m, 1,88 m, 2,16 m, 2,45 m, 2,72 m
Voir plusBoard of Directors - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk
Afifuddin SK. Director Corporate Secretary. Indonesian citizen, born on June 22nd 1985. Appointed as Director of the Company since May 2016 based on the Deed of GMS No. 15 dated May 30, 2016, which was approved by Budi Haryanto, S.H., Notary in South Jakarta. Currently he also serves as Director of PT Bumi Mineral Sulawesi since 2009 ...
3. PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang dialami pihak manapun terhadap adanya penipuan yang menyalahgunakan nama atau identitas PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk. 4. Kepada semua pihak yang menjumpai atau mengalami penipuan sebagaimana tersebut diatas, agar melaporkan kepada PT BUKAKA TEKNIK
Voir plusCorporate Data - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk
PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk: The Establishment Date: 25 October 1978: Legal Base: The Deed No. 149 signed before Haji Bebasa Daeng Lalo, S.H., with approval from Minister of Justice of Republic of Indonesia pursuant to the Decree No. Y.A.5/242/7 dated 21 May 1979. Authorized Capital: Rp3,380,000,000,000: Issued and Fully Paid-in Capital: Rp892 ...
Voir plusPT. Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk [BUKK] IDNFinancials
Ikhtisar. PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk (BUKK) atau Bukaka, didirikan pada tanggal 25 Oktober 1978 sebagai bengkel kendaraan bermotor kecil. Memiliki lima anak perusahaan yaitu PT Bukaka Mandiri Sejahtera, PT Bukaka Energi, PT Bukaka Forging Industries, PT Bukaka Mega Investama, PT Bukaka Minyu Industry.
Voir plusPassenger Boarding Bridge - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk
In order to meet the standards of aviation industry set by international consultant and airport authorities, the Company since 1989 has produced boarding bridge using the best quality components and material manufactured by skilled engineers at the boarding bridge plant. The Company produces 2 types of boarding bridge, they are, steel-made and ...
Voir plusFinancial Statements - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk
PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk is registered and monitored by Indonesia Financial Services Authority
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bukaka teknik utama tbk concassage de pierres. broyeur de pierres karya . 2019-3-6 Broyeurs de pierres - Bugnot. Broyeurs de pierres de type BPM BPM 1600 - BPM 1880 - BPM 2160 - BPM 2450 - BPM 2720 - BPM 3000 . consulter en ligne; broyeur de pierres pt bukaka kapasitas t h.
Voir plusPT. Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk [BUKK] IDNFinancials
PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk (BUKK) or Bukaka, was established on 25th October 1978 as a small motor vehicle workshop. It has five subsidiaries, namely PT Bukaka Mandiri Sejahtera, PT Bukaka Energi, PT Bukaka Forging Industries, PT Bukaka Mega Investama, PT Bukaka Minyu Industry. Along with the subsidiaries, the company manages nine
Voir plusOil Gas Equipment - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk
Our business unit supported by 25 engineers and more than 200 employees in the production line with skills and experiences. With facilities workshop, machines and equipments to executed projects. CONTACT. P1 : +6221 823 1763. P2 : +6221 823 2323, EXT 444. F : +6221 823 1769, +6221 823 1150. marketing.oge@ bukaka. Oil Gas
Voir plusbroyeur de pierres bukaka teknik
Plus bukaka Teknik broyeur de pierres hotelodging. bukaka teknik utama tbk concassage de pierres aston karya utama astra graphia, Broyeur de pierres pour . 2011 los equipos Pangsa pasar yang besar perbankan di . portable mini . Obtenir le prix; Broyeur De Pierres Portable De Seconde Main Tipe . La planta de trituracion de arena 7001500
2023.3.24 PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA TBK. DAN ENTITAS ANAK Daftar Isi/ Table of Contents Halaman/ Page Surat Pernyataan Direksi/ Director’s Statement Letter Laporan Auditor Independen/ Independent Auditor’s Report i - iii Laporan Posisi Keuangan Konsolidasian/ ...
Voir plusSteel Bridge - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk
Established in 1996, the Steel Bridge Business Unit leads in Engineering, Procurement, Fabrication, Finishing, Construction, Installation and Service. At first year of its operation, the Business Unit took order of fabricating a steel bridge of 30,740 meter in length and succeeded to be a pioneer in construction of truss bridge in the country.
PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk is registered and monitored by Indonesia Financial Services Authority NEWS. Jun 20th, 2023. Bukaka Receives ISO 37001:2016 Anti Briberry Certificate. Read More. View All. EVENTS. May 19th, 2023. AGM 2023. Read More. View All. Steel Tower.
Voir plusbroyeur de pierres bukaka teknik utama
2023.2.24 bukaka teknik utama tbk concassage de pierres. Broyeurs de pierres de type BPM BPM 1600 - BPM 1880 - BPM 2160 - BPM 2450 - BPM 2720 - BPM 3000 Largeur de travail de 1,60 m, 1,88 m, 2,16 m, 2,45 m, 2,72 m et 3,00 m . Voir plus; bukaka teknik utama tbk pierre de concassage. bukaka teknik utama tbk concassage de ...
Voir plusbroyeur de pierres bukaka teknik - laskowkalipowydwor
broyage de pierres bukaka teknik utama tbk. broyeur de pierres karya . Broyeurs de pierres - Bugnot. Broyeurs de pierres de type BPM BPM 1600 - BPM 1880 - BPM 2160 - BPM 2450 - BPM 2720 - BPM 3000 . consulter en ligne; broyeur de pierre bukaka. jenis pierre ukuran concasseur di pt bukakaBroyeurs de pierres et aligneuses
Voir plusAnnual Reports - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk
PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk is registered and monitored by Indonesia Financial Services Authority
PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk is registered and monitored by Indonesia Financial Services Authority NEWS. Jun 20th, 2023. Bukaka Receives ISO 37001:2016 Anti Briberry Certificate. Read More. View All. EVENTS. May 19th, 2023. AGM 2023. Read More. View All. Steel Tower.
Voir plusCompany Structure - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK
Passenger Boarding Bridge. Steel Bridge. Oil Gas Equipment. Road Construction Equipment. Offshore Maintenance And Services. Special Purpose Vehicle. Galvanizing. Subsidiaries. Bukaka Mandiri Sejahtera.
Voir plusBukaka Forging Industries - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk
The Company acquired 96.81% of PT Bukaka Forging Industries shares on December 22, 2014, as authorized in the Notarial Deed of Andy Aziz S.H., No. 9, dated December 22, 2014. The Company’s share ownership increased to 99.5% on October 13, 2016, following the takeover of 156 shares of PT Bukaka Corporindo in PT Bukaka Forging Industries by
Voir plusBrief Profile Milestones - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk
PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk ('BUKAKA') ('the Company'), was established on October 25, 1978 based on Notarial deed of H. Bebasa Daeng Lalo, SH, No. 149 and had already obtained approval based on a Decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia No. Y.A.5/242/7 dated 21 May 1979.
Voir plusCorporate Data - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk
Youtube : Bukaka Official Twitter : @BukakaOfficial Linkedin : PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk Head Office Site Plant Pusat: Jl. Raya Narogong Bekasi Km. 19.5 Cileungsi, Bogor Jawa Barat T: +6221 823 2323 F: +6221 823 1150 E-mail: corsec @bukaka Website: bukaka: Other Site Plants: Site Balikapapan :
PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk is registered and monitored by Indonesia Financial Services Authority NEWS. Jun 20th, 2023. Bukaka Receives ISO 37001:2016 Anti Briberry Certificate. Read More. View All. EVENTS. May 19th, 2023. AGM 2023. Read More. View All. Steel Tower.
Voir plusPT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk, Business Unit Road ...
Agriculture Machinery merupakan Business Unit dari PT Bukaka Teknik Utama, Tbk yang merupakan salah satu Perusahaan Nasional yang berpengalaman dalam pabrikasi / memproduksi alat-alat pertanian seperti Rice Transplante dan Paddy Combine
Voir plusAsphalt Mixing Plant - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk
Bukaka Asphalt Mixing Plant type is planned to process a mixture of aggregate and asphalt (hot mix), with a capacity of 800 kg, 1000 kg and 1200 kg each of the mixing process (mixing circle). The composition of the mixture of aggregate set of four compartment Bins and system scales. Each bin is equipped with Pneumatic Gate.
Voir plusRoad Construction Equipment - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk
With the production capacity of 50 units per year, the Business Unit has served several customers such as PT Brantas Abipraya, PT Hutama Karya (Persero), PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk, PT Nindya Karya (Persero), Department of Public Works, and other private companies. CONTACT. CONTACT PERSON. P1 : +6221 823 4803. P2 : +6221 823
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