À propos de LIL

  • Direct reduction of iron to facilitate net zero emissions in the

    2024.2.15  Coal-based direct reduced iron (DRI) reduces CO 2 emissions by 38 % compared with traditional blast furnace–basic oxygen furnace (BF-BOF) ironmaking.

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  • Direct Reduced Iron: Most Efficient Technologies for

    2019.7.19  Yilmaz et al. studied the potential to reduce CO 2 emissions from blast furnace processes by using direct reduced iron (DRI) as a pre-reduced input material.

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  • Application of coal-based direct reduction-magnetic

    2024.3.1  After half a century of exploration, it developed into a direct reduced iron tunnel kiln called the Hoganas method. The Hoganas process is divided into two steps:

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    2019.10.15  After the entering of iron ore and reducer filled saggers in Tunnel Kiln, preheating zone will begin a nd heating process takes place. In this zone, we jure pre

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  • History, developments and processes of direct reduction

    3 天之前  Reduction of iron ores in direct reduction processes occurs done in the solid stage without the need of coke. Just most of the oxygen is removed from the iron ores without

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  • The Direct Reduction of Iron - ScienceDirect

    2014.1.1  Direct reduction (DR) is an alternate form of ironmaking that is economic at much smaller scales, generally uses natural gas as reductant instead of coke, and costs

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  • Sustainability Enhancement of the Coal Based Direct Reduction of Iron ...

    2023.4.26  The kiln has 2 zones, the preheating zone is responsible for moisture removal from the raw materials at temperatures ranging 900 ℃-1000 ℃ and thermal

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  • (PDF) i) Direct Reduced Iron: Production - ResearchGate

    2016.3.30  During the last four decades, a new route of ironmaking has rapidly developed for direct reduction (DR) of iron ore to metallic iron by using noncoking

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  • Direct Reduction Ironmaking SpringerLink

    2023.10.9  Highly metallized direct reduction iron is produced through tunnel kiln direct reduction (vessel) process by using high-grade iron ore as raw material and coke powder

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  • Optimization of direct reduction in tunnel furnace using

    The analyses of the metal Fe content in the reduced samples show that the mill scale can be used successfully in the direct reduction process to produce sponge iron. In the rolling

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  • Effect of coal levels during direct reduction roasting of high ...

    2012.5.1  The length, height, and width of the tunnel kiln were 167, 5.5, and 2.34 m, respectively. This tunnel kiln was being used to produce direct reduction iron from iron scale at the same time. Mixed materials pass through three stages in the tunnel kiln: 12 h preheat; 12 h constant heat; and, 25 h cooling.

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  • Effect of coal levels during direct reduction roasting of high ...

    DOI: 10.1016/J.IJMST.2012.04.007 Corpus ID: 129029523; Effect of coal levels during direct reduction roasting of high phosphorus oolitic hematite ore in a tunnel kiln @article{Li2012EffectOC, title={Effect of coal levels during direct reduction roasting of high phosphorus oolitic hematite ore in a tunnel kiln}, author={Yong Li and Ti-chang Sun and

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  • Sponge Iron Production by Calcium Carbonate, Sodium

    2023.2.1  cheap and abundant natural gas. A direct reduction method using tunnel kiln is one of the reduction methods that need a very low volume of water for the process in which sponge iron is produced. A tunnel kiln (Figure1) is a long stationary insu-lated furnace made of refractory bricks which has a rail track provision for trolley movement.

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  • Conversion of Sponge Iron From Low Grade Iron ore

    2016.10.12  pellet by non-cooking coal fines under conditions, simulating a tunnel kiln. The results of this investigation indicate that the green pellets could be successfully handled, without generating much of fines and could be change to highly metalized Directly Reduced Iron (DRI) at a moderate temperature and at a reasonably low

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  • Optimization of direct reduction in tunnel furnace using

    The analyses of the metal Fe content in the reduced samples show that the mill scale can be used successfully in the direct reduction process to produce sponge iron. In the rolling mill scale-iron pellet, iron concentrate-iron pellet, and iron concentrate-mill scale mixtures, the compositions 70MS-30IP, 70IC-30IP, and 70IC-30MS were optimum.

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  • Reduction Efficiency of Iron Ore–Coal Composite Pellets

    2017.8.24  Reduction Efficiency of Iron Ore–Coal Composite Pellets in Tunnel Kiln For Sponge Iron Production. S. C. Khattoi•G. G. Roy. Received: 11 June 2014/Accepted: 20 December 2014/Published online: 13 February 2015 The Indian Institute of Metals - IIM 2015. Abstract In order to explore the efficacy of iron ore–coal composite pellets over ...

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  • Direct Reduction Process - an overview ScienceDirect Topics

    2.3. Tunnel kiln method. In 1911, E. Silrium first proposed directly reducing iron with carbon in a high-temperature crucible to produce sponge iron. Honganas AB initially used a brick-fired annular pit kiln to produce direct reduced iron. After half a century of exploration, it developed into a direct reduced iron tunnel kiln called the ...

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  • WO2014169442A1 - Downstream type tunnel kiln for coal-based direct ...

    The present invention relates to a production process for coal-based direct reduced iron, in particular to a downstream type tunnel kiln for coal-based direct reduced iron and a production process therefor. Disclosed is a downstream type tunnel kiln for coal-based direct reduced iron. The tunnel kiln is a long rectilinear tunnel. Fixed walls and vaults are

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    2023.9.19  A direct reduced iron (DRI) was prepared using iron concentrate pellets and a coal as a reductant through three stages, namely, the first: iron concentrate pellets were dried by slow heating at ...

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  • Sustainability Enhancement of the Coal Based Direct Reduction of Iron ...

    2023.4.26  The kiln has 2 zones, the preheating zone is responsible for moisture removal from the raw materials at temperatures ranging 900 ℃-1000 ℃ and thermal decomposition of coal takes place releasing hydrocarbons and hydrogen. The metallization zone is where the final reduction to metallic iron takes place with most CO2 reduced to CO.

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  • CASE GROUP - casepl

    2024.2.8  CASE GROUP. FINES TO SPONGE DRI (Direct Reduced Iron) Tunnel Kiln was commissioned on 24 November 2011. CASE gave this technology to India and this was also first of its kind in India. The process

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  • History, developments and processes of direct reduction

    3 天之前  the solid stage producing a solid product sponge iron or direct reduced iron (DRI), which contains all gangue materials of the iron ores. ... was the Höganäs tunnel furnace process for fine ore reduction with carbon [3]. ... rotary kiln [4]. In the year 1932 the gas-based reduction of lumpy iron ores was realized in the Wiberg process in ...

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    It is expected beside to get sponge iron, the reduction also possible to get nugget iron. Due to the furnace is designed to be capable for a temperature of 1200 °C and if possible for 1500 °C. The capacity of the simulation furnace for iron ore is designed for 16,7 kg green pellets of feed, and using heavy fuel oil or LPG as its fuel.

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  • Reduction Efficiency of Iron Ore–Coal Composite Pellets in Tunnel Kiln ...

    2015.2.13  By milling and leaching and subsequent magnetic separation of the metallized pellets, the boron-rich leachate with boron leaching percentage of 85.1% and direct reduced iron (DRI) powders with ...

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  • Iron - Manufacturing process related to the specified

    2014.1.14  Direct Reduced Iron is briquetted at high temperature and pressure with roller presses. Alternative briquette sizes and shapes have been tested in several plants. The typical volume of industrially manufactured briquettes is in the range of approx. 100 cm³. The entire plant for the hot briquetting of direct reduced iron typically consists of:

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  • Electric furnace steelmaking method using 100% low-quality tunnel kiln ...

    The invention provides an electric furnace steelmaking method using 100% low-quality tunnel kiln direct reduced iron as a raw material, which comprises the following steps: adding direct reduced iron into an electric furnace, adding a waste electrode accounting for 1-1.5wt% of the direct reduced iron, then adding low S coke or anthracite accounting for

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  • CN101775460A - Electric furnace steelmaking method using

    The invention provides an electric furnace steelmaking method using 100% low-quality tunnel kiln direct reduced iron as a raw material, which comprises the following steps: adding direct reduced iron into an electric furnace, adding a waste electrode accounting for 1-1.5wt% of the direct reduced iron, then adding low S coke or anthracite accounting for

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  • Direct Reduction Ironmaking SpringerLink

    2023.10.9  Gas-Based Direct Reduction Ironmaking. A gas is used as reductant to reduce iron oxides into iron metal in certain temperature. The reducing gas is produced by using natural gas or petroleum as energy source and oxidizing gas (CO 2 or H 2 O) or oxygen as oxidant. Hydrocarbon is decomposed and converted through catalytic

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  • Direct reduction of iron to facilitate net zero emissions in the

    2024.2.15  The global annual production of steel is approximately 2 billion tons, accounting for 8 % of the world's energy demand and 7 % of carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions in the energy sector.Coal-based direct reduced iron (DRI) reduces CO 2 emissions by 38 % compared with traditional blast furnace–basic oxygen furnace (BF

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  • Optimization of direct reduction in tunnel furnace using

    2023.3.30  The analyses of the metal Fe content in the reduced samples show that the mill scale can be used successfully in the direct reduction process to produce sponge iron. In the rolling mill scale-iron pellet, iron concentrate-iron pellet, and iron concentrate-mill scale mixtures, the compositions 70MS-30IP, 70IC-30IP, and 70IC-30MS were optimum.

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  • Efficient and green treatment of ultrapure magnetite to

    2021.1.22  In this paper, coal-based rotary kiln direct reduction‑hydrogen reduction process was demonstrated to an efficient way to prepare the PMIP.Under the optimum conditions, a superior PMIP with 98.5% iron grade and only 0.31% H 2-loss can be achieved.Meanwhile, PMIP have the perfect physical properties of 2.45 g/cm 3 bulk

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  • The Direct Reduction of Iron - ScienceDirect

    2014.1.1  Worldwide production of Direct Reduced Iron has increased from less than one million tonnes per year in 1971 to over 70 million tonnes forty years later. ... the final stage of induration occurs in a rotary kiln. The grate-kiln technology is shown in Figure 1.2.8 [18]. Download : Download full-size image; Figure 1.2.8. Indurating pellets using ...

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  • Shift From Coke to Coal Using Direct Reduction Method

    2009.3.1  The elevated H 2 yield may be associated with metals present in the biochar, especially potassium (K). Bio-syngas (H 2 + CO) obtained from steam gasification of poultry litter biochar presented high potential to reduce iron ore by indirect reduction (IR) in blast furnaces (BF), or in direct reduced iron (DRI) processes.

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  • The High-Efficiency Tunnel Kiln: A Go-To Guide for Optimal Kiln

    2023.8.14  Automation and Control: The high-efficiency tunnel kiln can be integrated with advanced automation and control systems. This allows for precise monitoring and adjustment of various parameters, optimizing energy consumption, enhancing process control, and ensuring reliable and repeatable firing results. The automated features

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  • (PDF) Study on reduction of iron ore concentrate in rotary kiln

    2019.1.1  The results of SEM-EDS analyses showed that the reduction of fluorapatite in the iron ore was activated when using -0.1 mm iron ore and the reduced phosphorus melting into metallic iron.

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  • Thermal Analysis and Energy Efficiency Improvements in Tunnel Kiln

    2021.9.9  Kiln is a prime need in the ceramics industry, where energy loss is a major part which consumes about 60% production cost through thermal energy for different applications. Higher density of fired and tunnel kiln refractory material lowers the thermal diffusivity and the proper selection of fired material minimizes the energy loss along the

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    2017.12.7  1. Tunnel Kiln or Hogonas process Small lumps of rich iron ore, sinter, pellets, or fine ore are charged into a sealed sagger along with a mixture of coke and limestone. The saggers, loaded on cars, are passed through a tunnel kiln and heated to about 2100°F, held for 12 to 36 hr, cooled, and emptied. This is the

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